A true Wapiti is reflected in Julia Brennan's dedication to The Winchendon School

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In the four years Julia spent at The Winchendon School, she quickly became a leader in her class academically and athletically. In the classroom, her bubbly and passionate personality was immersed in just about anything one could think of. Working her way up, participating in the Service Learning and iLAB Program as a leader/teacher, holding the highest GPA in her class for four straight years, being a part of twelve showcases for the theater program, being a high honor roll student, an NHS member, co-initiator of Active Minds (Mental Health Program), and a Co-President. 


On the field and in the rink, Julia was a highly competitive athlete with positive attributes in her desire to be a better leader for her teammates. Although she played varsity hockey and varsity lacrosse, her main sport soccer, was where her childhood love of sports really shined through. Someone who looks out for her teammates, challenges herself, and is an all-around good person, reflected what a true Wapiti represents.


Julia will be attending the prestigious Williams College in the fall on a Pre-Med track as well as a runner for the Cross Country and Track and Field Program.